'Dark Night Of My Soul'

Gondolatok. Sajátjaim és melyek Benned ébrednek. Thoughts. The ones in me and the ones generated in you.

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2008.02.28. 07:54 Krap

New Model Army : LIVE 161203, DVD, (in English)

Celtic? British? Punk? FREE? (Independent?) The best? 5 men and nothing/nobody else?
Clean? Indsired? Talented?
All of these? More than this?
New Model Army is one of the best LIVE bands, ever. Thanx God, I saw them twice.
There is one (two, actually) word that tells everything about them : PASSION (and FIRE).
I've never seen a man so alive and touched (and suggestive) on stage than Justin.
He, and the band's music, is full of feelings, pain, DESIRE of/for a CLEAR world.
He burns during the whole gig (during all of NMA's concerts). The very best moments
o' this DVD are the ones when Justin is so touched by the music that he looks like he
is not in this world (out o' this world) for me. He almost cries tears after the
last song. It is the way, I think, everyone should play music.
You can not show me a single American band with an attitude like this. It's British.
Ever felt the feeling 'God, this music hits me in the deepest inner..of me.'?
A New Model Army live act gives a feeling like this for me.
This 'show' is not about earthly things but about a world where everything is straight,
where true men are heroes, where there are no lies; and, on the other hand, it is nothing
more than a pure punk-rock concert. And nothing less than one the best LIVE DVDs I ever saw
and I will ever see. It fills me, makes me happy, makes me wanna run (in)to the front row.
Oh, the crowd is BRILLIANT, by the way. They feel every moment of this almost two hours.
Justin is Justin, Nelson is a punk bass player so he plays right from his soul, Michael
plays like a hell of a drummer (EXCELLENT!), Dave is like the other half of Justin (it's
a pity that he left the band by now), Dean makes the band's sound whole on keyboards and
Mark Feltham, as special guest, blows some (!!) solos during Poison Street on harmonica(s).
It's a must to see. 'Oh, God I Love The world.'

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

Dóri 2008.03.06. 16:52:20

Ez az a banda akinek a CD-jét én szereztem be neked??? :-)

Krap 2008.03.07. 08:45:01

Justin (enekes/gitaros frontember) elso szoloalbumat hoztad. Azota sem erted, miert voltam olyan rendes a palyaudvaron, nem ? : ))
Szoval majdnem, de 11 pont, amiert figyelsz es kepben vagy !!!
Tegnap atkocsikaztam egeszen nagy (! vicc nelkul) kis varosodon es VEGRE eloszor lattam a legendas kastelyt !!! Ahhoz kepest, hogy a varos kozepen van, szep teljesitmeny.
süti beállítások módosítása