'Dark Night Of My Soul'

Gondolatok. Sajátjaim és melyek Benned ébrednek. Thoughts. The ones in me and the ones generated in you.

Friss topikok

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2009.04.30. 17:37 Krap

The Offspring: A Lot Like Me

How does it feel?
When you have it all?
How can you live?
With nothing at all?

Where do you run?
Where do you go?
(When) the holes in your truth
Are starting to show?

And the rain comes
And the world is on my head
Crave the sun
But I can't get out of bed

How can you take?
Without giving back?
How does it work?
When it's really cracked?

How does it feel...
And no wonder
Hearts and minds have been won
How does it feel...
And I wonder
How it's all come undone

And the rain comes
And the world is on my head
Crave the sun
But I can't get out of bed

Want it you got it     you're sorry
You bought it     you're sliding
Want it you got it     you're sorry
You bought it     can't hide it
Tell me who do you see
'Cause you look a lot like me

How can you take?
Without giving back?
How do you see?
'Cause you look a lot like me

Want it you got it     you're sorry
You bought it     you're sliding
Want it you got it     you're sorry
You bought it     can't hide it

And the rain comes
And the world is on my head
Crave the sun
But I can't get out of bed

Want it you got it     you're sorry
You bought it     you're sliding
Want it you got it     you're sorry
You bought it     can't hide it
Tell me who do you see
'Cause you look a lot like me

You look a lot like me

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