'Dark Night Of My Soul'

Gondolatok. Sajátjaim és melyek Benned ébrednek. Thoughts. The ones in me and the ones generated in you.

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2018.09.21. 08:06 Krap

They are in Paradise

Dirty old river,

must you keep rolling,

flowing into the night?

People so busy,

make me feel dizzy,

taxi light shines so bright

But I don't need no friends
As long as I gaze on

Waterloo sunset,

I am in paradise


      (Sha-la-la) Every day I look at the world from my window
      (Sha-la-la) But chilly, chilly is the evening time
      Waterloo sunset's fine (Waterloo sunset's fine)


Terry meets Julie,

Waterloo Station,

every Friday night

But I am so lazy,

don't want to wander,

I stay at home at night

But I don't feel afraid
As long as I gaze on Waterloo sunset, I am in paradise


Millions of people

swarming like flies 'round

Waterloo underground

But Terry and Julie

cross over the river

where they feel safe and sound

And they don't

need no friends
As long as they gaze on Waterloo sunset

they are in paradise


Waterloo sunset's fine
Waterloo sunset's fine
Waterloo sunset's fine


Szólj hozzá!

2018.09.20. 11:54 Krap

Waterloo Sunset

Zajlik a filmfesztivál. Legjobban a Juliet, Naked - Nick Hornby regényéből - érdekelt a felhozatalból. Nem is okozott csalódást.
A filmben pedig ez a dal hatott leginkább.
Elsőre azt hittem, Beatles az eredeti, de nem, a The Kinks írta. Nem az eredetit, hanem a filmben elhangzó verziót mutatom meg, mert Ethan Hawke (amerikai színész) szerintem inkább hozzátesz, mint elvesz a dalhoz.

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: CineFest

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