'Dark Night Of My Soul'

Gondolatok. Sajátjaim és melyek Benned ébrednek. Thoughts. The ones in me and the ones generated in you.

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2019.07.25. 08:05 Krap

Tehetség, hangulat

Cold-blooded angels in blankets of ash
Alone in the southern pines
There's a place in the garden
Where nothing will grow
But I could stay forever
Where I lay every night on the forest's floor
Asleep with both eyes open
'Cause I need that bitter hand
That struck me blind
To keep my eyes from closing

Pale as the rose or the shadow it throws
Over earth and sky
If the rocks in my pocket
Were cinder and stone
I'd owe it all to nothing

Wasted years on an empty road
Where flies buzz around my head
Now I miss the bitter hand
That cut me down
All the way to nothing

Wasted years on an empty road
Where flies buzz around my head
If the dust in my pocket
Was silver or gold
I'd spend it all on nothing

There's something waiting at the door
I hear it breathing
Follow even though I'm sure
I should be leading
There's something waiting at the door
I see it bleeding
Every time I ask for more
I can't believe it

All I need was hanging 'round the door
I'm not sleeping anymore
'Cause I remember every single word
Every little thing I can't forget

Cold-blooded angels
Stop staring at the sky
We all pay a terrible price
When we learn to fly
And if I could forget you
Oh, how hard I tried
Please, somebody tell me
How the hell did I survive?

/Baroness: Cold-Blooded Angels/

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