'Dark Night Of My Soul'

Gondolatok. Sajátjaim és melyek Benned ébrednek. Thoughts. The ones in me and the ones generated in you.

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2007.06.01. 07:43 Krap

Dream Theater : Octavarium (album)

I can feel my body breaking
I'm ready to let it all go
I can feel my body shaking
Right down to the foundation
The root of it all

Take all of me
The desires that keep burning deep inside
Cast them all away
And help to give me strenght to face another day
I am ready
Help me be what I can be
Come to me
Take me away
Life is short
So learn from your mistakes
And stand behind
The choices you make

Face each day
With both eyes open wide
And try to give
Don't keep it all inside

  Don't let the day go by
  Don't let it end
  Don't let a day go by in doubt
  You're ready to begin
  Don't let a day go by in doubt
  The answer lie within
There's a story in your eyes
Let me know what plagues your mind
Let me be the one to know you best
Be the one to hold you up
When you feel like you're sinking
I walk beside you
Wherever you are
Whatever it takes
No matter how far

Through all that may come
And all may go
I walk beside you
I walk beside you
Rest your tired thoughts upon my hands
Resonate inside this temple
Let me be the one who understands
Be the one to carry you
When you can walk no further
Loyalty, trust, faith and desire
Carries love through each darkest fire
Step after step
We try controlling our fate
When we finally start living it has become too late

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