'Dark Night Of My Soul'

Gondolatok. Sajátjaim és melyek Benned ébrednek. Thoughts. The ones in me and the ones generated in you.

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2016.11.16. 11:46 Krap

'You can fall right through the world and disappear'

You can make a fire out of anything
You can warm your hands on the plastic burning on the frozen ground
When the only word is 'when'
You can make a camp out of anywhere
Polythene sheets and ropes until they come to pull it down
You just start again

Winter storms and the snow flying
Razor wire and the gulls crying
Cross the water or die trying

You can make a little hope out of anything
Follow the latest rumour to an empty concrete yard
On the edge of town
Where there’s always someone to take your money
There’s always someone to make a promise and then go to ground
Another face to forget

Winter storms and the snow flying
Razor wire and the gulls crying
Cross the water or die trying

You can lie awake through the cold dark night
And count the trucks as they go passing by
The ships loading up and sailing out for the promise land
You can listen to the wind as it whips up the sand from the dunes
And dream and dream that it blows and blows and blows
All the fences in the world down to the ground

You can end the journey anywhere
You can lose your hold on the axle frame and fall into the road
And under the wheels
You can fall right through the world and disappear
Playing a game of hide-and-seek just one too many times
Until the time that you’re not found

Winter storms and the snow flying
Razor wire and the gulls crying
Cross the water or die trying
Cross the water or die trying
Cross the water or die trying

/New Model Army: Die Trying/

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