'Dark Night Of My Soul'

Gondolatok. Sajátjaim és melyek Benned ébrednek. Thoughts. The ones in me and the ones generated in you.

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2017.08.02. 08:06 Krap


Mennyire kevés dolgot tettem ide tőlük. Pedig életem legmeghatározóbb zenekara. (A szöveg, amit ezen a koncerten énekel nem egy az egyben az itt leírt, albumon szereplő változat. Finoman szólva.)

The big hand makes all of your favorite things
Like all your dreams go small and all your friends run away
Until your memories fail and the words don't fit
But the way the big hand smiles, you just won't care about it

The big hand makes all of your favorite things
Like all your days run out and all your hopes disappear
And your smiles just stop and your eyes go dead
And the shadows start to crawl in the back of your head

But when the big hand speaks, it's like fireworks and Heaven
So you listen don't think and wish for nothing at all
And when the big hand sings it's like fireworks and friends
Leaving alone I'm not leaving alone
Leaving alone I'll never leave alone again

So when the big hand holds up all your favorite things
And with a touch like glass starts to squeeze
You don't ask, "Why me?", You just slip to the floor
Just slip to your knees

But when the big hand speaks it's like fireworks and Heaven
So you listen don't think and wish for nothing at all
And when the big hand sings it's like fireworks and friends
Leaving alone I'm not leaving alone
Leaving alone, never leaving alone I'm not
Leaving alone I'm not leaving alone
Leaving alone I'm not leaving alone again

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: The Cure

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